Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Watching Movies Blowed: Notorious


So BigBaller called me today and asked if I'd seen Notorious. You know. The movie about Biggie Smalls (babababaaay). I was like no. He said it wasn't half bad. Sooooooo. A couple of clicks on the keyboard annnnnnd I'm watching it right now! Wait. You want to see it too huh? Why didn't you just say so?


I'll give you my opinion tomorrow. Oh yeah. Ask Bigballer to tell you the story about getting bitten by DMX.CLASSIC!!!

1 comment:

  1. I saw it the day it came out in the theater... not on my computer, Brookinz. :) Shame... ha!

    Let's face it, there were no surprises to be had. We all pretty much knew what was what in his life, however, I think it was well done. I suggest it to people in our age group because for me it was nostalgic. It wasn't the made for cable movie I thought it'd be so it surpassed my expectations.
