The Adventures of Pete & Pete is an American television series produced by Wellsville Pictures and broadcast by Nickelodeon. The show featured humorous and surreal elements in its narrative, and many recurring themes centered on two brothers both named Pete Wrigley, and their various interactions with family, friends, and enemies.
The show was created by Will McRobb and Chris Viscardi and began as minute-long shorts in 1989 that aired in between regular programs. Owing to the popularity of the shorts, five half-hour specials were made, followed by a regular half-hour series that ran for three seasons (1993-1996) and continued in reruns until around 1999. The N aired reruns of the show between 2002-2003. Since 2005, reruns of the series have occasionally aired on Hallmark Channel along with other classic Nickelodeon series. The first two seasons were released on DVD in 2005 and the third was planned for 2006 but was indefinitely postponed. Source: Wikipedia
Parker Lewis Can't Lose
Parker Lewis Can't Lose is an American teen sitcom that originally aired on the Fox network from September 1990 to June 1993 (three seasons, 73 episodes). During the last season, the series sported the simpler title Parker Lewis. The series was produced by Columbia Pictures Television and was strongly influenced by the film Ferris Bueller's Day Off. Source: Wikipedia
Big guy Larry (Abraham Benrubi) with Larry's Lunch bag is from Indy! Benrubi graduated from Broad Ripple High School in Indianapolis, Indiana, the same high school alma mater of David Letterman and former New England Patriots star Rosevelt Colvin.
Two of the best shows ever! man, I loved these joints. I always wanted to grow up in a neighborhood like the one on Pete and Pete and have a super hero like Arty
ReplyDeleteArt is the shit!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI meant Arty!