Interview by Grey Granite
Last year I noticed a new look on the streets of downtown Indy. Hey, It could have been there for a while but It was new to me and I saw it more and more- Snap It’s everywhere! Edgy, Urban, Fast, Stylish, Street Cyclist (sorry, Fixed Track Riders) are on the move all around us. And, I had to know more so luckily I happened to find a very insightful and helpful Bryan Wyatt and I was able to slow him down enough to get some info for Heavy Gun about this constantly in motion street gang.

1. How would your mother describe what you do?
My mother would freak out if she saw the style of riding I do. She still thinks I just cruise down the sidewalk at a leisurely pace. She really does not know what goes into our style of riding.
2. So what separates your style of riding from fellow bike riders?
Fixed Gear riding to me is about having fun. Some of us mash through traffic and enjoy doing tricks; others hold it down at the Velodrome!
3. How long has it been going on and how long have you been involved in it?
The first bikes ever built were fixed gear. Track racing has been around for hundreds of years. Within the past thirty years track bikes have started to hit the streets. Messengers have been riding them for a while. Indianapolis’s scene is starting to grow. I have been apart of it for about a year and a half now.
4. What's the dream bike? Like that guitar that Garth wanted and he looked at it in the store for like the whole movie?
For me its something hand built and original. Right now I have been crushing on some Italian frame builders stuff. Some beautiful bikes!
5. Describe the look and attitude that represents your crew.
Wow that’s a hard one. Everybody has their own style whether it is the kids with the punk rock background to the ones from Hip Hop. It’s a mixture of people with a common interest of track bikes.
6. I assume there is a great deal of danger involved when riding in heavy traffic, have you ever been injured?
I have never had a serious bike related injury but I do have a funny story about a friend of mine. He was on his way back from a delivery and was drafting off of an IndyGo bus. The bus then comes to a stop and my friend didn’t pay attention and ran right into the back of the bus. He didn’t get hurt but I am sure it made a ton of people crack up laughing!
7. What 5 songs are always playing on the iPod while in motion?
Mix tapes are always good, Q Tip – Move, Crookers remix of Day and Night, Mos Def travellin man, I cant lie Billy Idol Dancing with myself has been trapped in my head for the past week.
8. What is a common track bike term that I could say around track bikers and look like I know what I’m talking about, even though I don’t know what I’m talking about and what lame term would get to called out?
We ride fixed gears so I always say “Fixed” or track bikes. I am not gonna lie I hate the word “Fixie”
9. Where would you like it to go? What does the future hold?
I hope the community keeps progressing. Its like anything else new kids are coming up and killin it. I really would love to see more races this summer. Mainly I hope every body is in it to have a good time and have some fun!
10. What is the most important thing you want people to know and understand about what you do?
I don’t want this so seem like a stuck up scene. There can be some people that give off that vibe. I think its something that should be open to everybody. Most of us are in it to have a good time!
11. How can people learn more?
There are several ways to learn more about it. Basically getting out to the local bike shop and just chatting it. Joe’s Cycles in Fountain Square is by far the spot for fixed gears in Indianapolis or central Indiana for that matter. The Internet is also a good source, Blogs and Forums are good ways of staying in the loop. Personally I have a list of sites I check out everyday. Some are local, and some cover stuff from all over the world. - (Rider from NYC)
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