Grey Granite of HeavyGun Recently caught up with the most BadAss Photographer around and since we are all about BadAssery we had to get more info.
speaks to HeavyGun
HG: How would Andy and Annie Skinner A2 describe what you do?
Andy has said that I capture the events we are @ better than he can remember them his self!
HG: In your opinion what makes a good photo?
Having a really good subject matter, whether that be a concert are just a person standing in a good environment. I love pictures that tell a story with out you really having to be there. That' what I always try and capture at least!
I also love chaos in photo's! So the more of that the better!
HG: How long have you had an interest in photography? And, what was the weirdest photo shoot you have been on?
Since I think I was little, as I was always staring @ pictures trying to make up little stories about them. But I've been shooting them since I was like 14 years old. Weird to me was having to shoot for Nascar truck racing. Everything else I do is normal to me. I've shot dead animals to funerals to nudity and everything in between but the Nascar truck racing thing was just weird I did not dig it @ all!!!!
HG: When you were a kid what was the hardest lesson for you to learn?
To shut up and listen. I've been a punk since birth and I think I still fight the system!

HG: Since you’re a visual artist I bet you have great taste in movies, give me a run down of 3 must see movies that I might not have seen.
"EVERYTHING'S ILLUMINATED" great cinematography",ROMANCE AND CIGARETTES",a John Turturro movie with Steve Buscemi,James Gandolfini,Susan Sarandon,Kate Winslet,Christopher Walken need I say more!!???!!! (Its a very odd musical though) "CASHBACK" about an artist who can't sleep from a break up."PARIS JE T'AIME 19 directors and an all star cast . its made up of 15 minute stories by all the directors. "MILLIONS" one of Danny Boyles films if you don't know who that is I'll give you a hint Slumdog Millionaire or Transpotting. "THE HOST" a great korean monster movie! "SUKIYAKI WESTERN DJANGO" a Takashi Mike film. This is one of Japans greatest directors the colors of this film are amazing! I could go on for ever but that's a few of them for ya!
HG: hmmm haven't seen Romance and cigs (musical.. might be why), Cashback (sounds dope), Paris Jet, Millions (man, I'm glad I asked this question!), The Host, now that movie J. Brookinz told me it was dope, I just havent seen it yet. I have and love that Django joint- BEAUTIFUL!
HG: Describe the look and attitude that represents your personal style/photography style
Left are right of center and bold! I go back and forth between black and white and color. I feel black and white works best for events and color for my portrait stuff.
HG: Is there an album that won't leave the car right now? And, what was the last cd you gave to someone and said, "You haven't heard this yet? Here take it!"
Matt And Kim "Grand" I love how bubble gummy there music is! HMMMM let me see,I think that would have been the new Bloc Party album "Intamacy"
HG: I like that Bloc Party CD actually went to Indy CD and Vinyl and bought it. But, I like the first one way way better!

HG: What would be the dopest shoot location for you?
That fire that happened last week downtown would have been awesome to have shot one of the girls I use for a photo with that in the back ground! But probably Hong Kong for all the lights!
HG: What is the most important thing you want people to know and understand about what you do?
I just want every one to enjoy my photos. One of the main reasons I do it is because I want what we do to be documented. One of my favorite photographers is Glenn E. Freidman, he shot the start of all the things I truly love. He shot the Z-Boys skateboarding team,Run Dmc,Beastie Boys,Ice T all the rappers before it blew up! He even was there for my favorite group Minor Threat and all that hard core scene when it started. So basically I'm trying to leave that same mark for us here in Naptown!
HG: Wow thats dope. Just what we need here. There are some amazing things going on.
HG: How can people learn more?
Look @ photographs from people like David Lachappelle,Anton Corbain,Glenn E. Friedman,Or Terry Richardson. All photographers I love our you can check out my flickr page @ flickr.com/photos/gregthemayor other than that just ask me!
Awesome post! I love Greg. Everyone should check out his hot stuff and hire him to do your photos!
ReplyDeleteGreg hope we can hang out sometime soon, miss having lunch dances with you at Indy CD!
Great interview, Grey. Everybody loves the mayor! :)
ReplyDeleteAnother blond Asian chick on the blog. Nice photo. I like the colors and lighting.
ReplyDeleteGreg is one of the best photographers I have ever seen!!!!! Not only that, he is a great friend!
ReplyDeleteEveryone should get to know him. c:
Very nice interview Grey! Funny first question.
ReplyDeleteGreg is not only an amazing photographer but is also a pivotal part of the community that we all have here in Indianapolis. Each time I look through his pictures it helps me remember what we have going in this city and how important it is to keep moving it forward. His photography expresses a sense of excitement, glamour and passion. Additionally, because he is so charismatic he makes everyone feel comfortable and at ease while getting their picture taken.
I can't express the impact he has on ASquared! Keep up the good work dudes!!
Greg tastes like chicken!