Monday, April 6, 2009

Microsoft Sustainability

Microsoft Sustainability from Kray Cédric on Vimeo.

Yeah right, Microsoft is just like Big Auto Co. they promise a lot of amazing things but its just an empty promise to keep you on board until they can scheme up another great idea to get you excited about their product for another year. oh wait, it's the other way around- Big Auto is getting it's operation stall the people until they forget plans form Microsoft.


  1. Why the fuck does he have to hold 2 things at once to make a phone call and see her? Can't you just invent a headset so it can be hands free except for the video part. Maybe something like the iphone's headphones? Why does the PC world always have to make so many useless buttons to do the same task that Apple can do with keyboard shortcuts, or one big touch pad.

    Why can't the PC world also make a computer that doesn't get Viruses? Why do PC people have to buy Norton anti-virus?

    There also is that stupid commercial about the girl that wants to buy a laptop for school (I think) and she wants to spend less than a $1000. She walks into the Apple store and gets mad because there is only 1 laptop under $1000. What the BITCH doesn't realize is,you pay for what you get. She ended up buying a PC. That lady will be back less than 2 months with a virus or some other kind of defect. Lady just save up $300 more dollars and buy a Mac and it will always work and i repeat, NO VIRUSES

    People, People, People you will end up buying 3 PC's at a rate of $699 a piece before you ever have to replace a Mac!

    3 PC's @ $699=$2,097. Each PC will last about a years or so.
    Or buy 1 Mac @ $1299 and it will last 5 plus years or more, with no viruses!

    A computer is an investment people, just like your house, car, your ipod, shoes and everything else you buy. Everyone wants to buy the best and Mac is the best. $1299 isn't that much money people.

  2. Mac is not the best. the OS on a mac is better than vista for now and that is why mac is killing the game a this point.

    You can build a PC and run the mac OS on it and save a mass amount of cash!!!

    Oh yea, why is it that you can go to a mac store and buy Norton!! Why would mac sell anti-virus for computers that dont get viruses?

    A computer "is" an investment true that, true that but mac is not the best. PC is not the best. If one was the best there would only be one.

    I know, I know, I have two macs and a number of PC's and I like them all. Its not what is better but what is better for you to do what you want it to do.

