Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Twitter Madness: Abobo from Double Dragon...raps!?!

Recently, Grey Granite has been trying to get me to join Twitter. I just can't get jiggy with it tho. I don't really want people to know what I'm doing and thinking at all times.Am I lame? . I didn't completely shoot the idea of Twittering down tho. I went to Twitter to see what all the fuss is about.And guess who I found? Abobo (of Double Dragon infamy) is on Twitter! And apparently Abobo is a rapper. Weird.If he raps I would gladly toss him some beats. Stay Tuned. This Twitter stuff is retarded. I found all types of wierd shit.

"I just smacked this dude in the face. Dude. I don't walk around shirtless for no reason."- Abobo on Twitter


  1. twitter, twitheads, twits, twats, or whatever is dumb. I'm right with you Brookinz

  2. Eff one player Double Dragon, earning jump kicks is for suckers!
