Here's a list of my favorite Naptown albums of 2015. Indianapolis Hip-Hop had a HUGE year last year with tons of great releases, shows and tours. Here's some of the records I listened to the most. If you want to dig into the Naptown scene give these joints a listen. And make sure you click the links provided and connect with your new favorite artists. Here comes the HEAT...

1. Comdot The GMXLP
One word comes to mind when I listen to this record...solid. Comdots' hard work has paid off. After a long wait the fans have been treated to a new Indy CLASSIC! Hard hitting beats and rhymes a plenty, you won't find a more polished golden era inspired Hip-Hop record around these parts. Com also brings back an element of Hip-Hop that has been sorely missed, story telling. This is a complete ALBUM. GMXLP may harken back to mid 90's sound but feels fresh as new pair of retros. Do yourself a favor and check this one out.
Favorite Tracks: Hunnit, Combo's Lament, and Dear I'anna

The third and final installment of Sirius Blvck and producer Bones of Ghost triolgy, the duo goes out with a bang. It's still the hazy melodic goodness that we come to expect from Bones and Sirius really spreads his wings on these tracks. This album feels like a soundtrack to Indy's 20 something carefree lot ,middle fingers to the world with a blunt in their mouth. Sirius tells their story because he lives it. Sky's the limit for this guy...mark my words.
Favorite Tracks: Tribe Quest, Backwoods and All That

3.Pope Adrian Bless - Angel Musik IV: Revelations
Indy Hip-Hop is in good hands. Leading the charge is none other than Pope Adrian Bless. This guy gets better and better with each release. With the fourth installment of his Angel Musik series he continues to grow and evolve in a world where artists are more concerned with comfort. Change is good and this album is no exception. It has the hunger of a first mixtape with the focus and poise of an album from someone whose been doing it for years. Peep the greatness below.
Favorite Tracks: East (prod. by Wildstyle da Producer) Iceberg Slimm ft. Jeremiah Stokes and IndyGo Child II

4.Diop Black Dragon EP
This EP is a gem. With production split between Naptown beat GODS Tyler Knapp and Mandog, Diop balances between a golden era Hip-Hop sound and new experimental approach beat wise with ease. I say ease because Diop has one of the smoothest cadences I've ever heard and he's zeroed in on his style like no other. This isn't just about beats and style tho. The message comes through loud and clear without feeling overly preachy and stale. The sociopolitical overtone perfectly set the mood on this great EP.
Favorite Tracks: Black Dragon, One Time Bout Time and Yardwork

5.Clint Breeze - Maisha
This was break through album of the year for me. Upon first listen I was instantly hooked. This album was meticulously and skillfully crafted. Clint has instantly become an artist to follow for 2016 and beyond. The rhymes, beats and over all production all shine bright on this one. This jazzy funk rock infused album entirely produced by Mr. Breeze is a Indy Hip-Hop CLASSIC. Yes I said it and I stand by it whole heartily.
Favorite Tracks: Endless ft. John Stamps, Maisha ft. Diop and Everything ft DMA
6.Boss L and Dylan Prevails - Brothers
The most elusive album on this list is also one of my favorites. At the time of this post it's only been released on CD but I've been talking with Dylan Prevails and he says that it should be available for online digestion very soon. That being said this album is bangin...literally. The beats entirely produced by super producer and Jay Brookinz Battle League points leader Dylan Prevails. They sound incredible and this CD hasn't left my CD player in the whip since I got it. But let's not forget Boss, an urban legend in the Indy Hip-Hop scene few people have even seen his face but it really doesn't matter. The game administered on this album will suffice. Half Drill half Trap Boss fuses into every track perfectly. This isn't mindless turn up music Boss excels in even the albums "feels" records ( check Three and Stay Up) I've put multiple people onto this album and if you're lucky enough to get one you should do the same.
Favorite Tracks: Three, Mud and On Top

7.Hinx Jones- Soul Hop
The Hinx Jones boys have done it again. This is their finest work yet and they deserve the praise. The whole album is well thought out and expertly crafted. Beats, rhymes, instrumentation and singing all mesh organically and one never feels out of place. That's hard to do and Hinx nailed it. Another bright spot I'd like to mention on Soul Hop is the guest spots. There aren't a lot but when there was a feature it always added to the songs and never felt forced or uninspired. Hats off to these two MC/MUSICIANS. I haven't heard a local record this inspired and well polished in a while.
Favorite Tracks: Rubicks cube, Nothing and Let It Go

8.Grey Granite Rich In The Blood Book 2: The Star Tribe Counsel
Sacred Game Rap is back! G.Granite's, Naptowns Trill Beatnik ongoing saga of sacred knowledge and street game continues with Book 2 his fourth release in the series. G. Granite doesn't lose a step on this album. This album just like the others reads like a manual while flexing throughout multiple musical landscapes. If you're a fan of lyrics and writing you owe it to yourself to sit down and give this a strong listen.
Favorite Tracks: Monatomic Gold, Bloody Sunday and Hand On The Crown

9.Mandog HandPaw
Last year JBBL6 Champ Mandog dropped his long awaited instrumental album and boy was it worth the wait. Mandog shows his range with these tracks yet everything remains cohesive. Experimental at it's core, Handpaw takes you on a journey and further expands the mythos of the one they call Mandog. Even if you're not a fan of instrumentals I urge you to give this a try.
Favorite Tracks: Bounce Back, Hunter and Skills
2015 was a busy year for the year for the hard working Guillotine. He dropped more projects than artist I know. And they're all jammin. He has created his own lane in the scene and I don't see many catching this guy in the future. This shit is raw no holds barred Rap and I can't wait for the next 20 projects he drops this year.

Honorable Mention: Don Chambers - The Humbling Before Ep
Alright, let's get this out of the way. This dude can flat out rap. One third of the New Wave Collective, Chambers is set to explode on this scene in 2016. Don't sleep on this young talent. If you like lyrics with style this is your guy. One thing I've also noticed with Don is he's evolving with his flow. An already capable MC is expanding his repertoire. Hats off Mr. Chambers...hats off.
Alright, let's get this out of the way. This dude can flat out rap. One third of the New Wave Collective, Chambers is set to explode on this scene in 2016. Don't sleep on this young talent. If you like lyrics with style this is your guy. One thing I've also noticed with Don is he's evolving with his flow. An already capable MC is expanding his repertoire. Hats off Mr. Chambers...hats off.
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