Thursday, January 22, 2009

Hermanos Dedos

My old, high-school friends and I have been making music since... I can't even remember. TRUE basement styles. Old, busted amps that short out half the time, guitars with two strings, drum kits with no kick pedal and crashes that sound like your hitting a tin can. All music and lyrics made up completely on the spot and recorded on one take. But I must say, that we always managed to come up with something decent and had a good time doing it. With influences spanning from independent rock, hip hop, funk, acoustic, bluegrass, jazz and many more, too numerous to count... we are an eclectic bunch to say the least. 

We'd record on tape for years... using someone's jambox or my grandfather's old tape-deck recorder. We went by the name, "Skipants" (Skee-pants) for many years but alas, people grow up, move away and the members change. 

So this group of us is called "Hermanos Dedos." Loosely translated as "Brother's Fingers." It was recorded in a basement (as was most of our recordings) on Kessler Blvd, in Indianapolis and consists of my brother, some friends and me. I've been asked to post this, so here it is. It's just brothers getting together in a basement, using what we got, getting drunk on sake and whiskey and pouring our hearts out over strings and electronics. 

If you're on Facebook... my brother made us a page

P.S. Stay with me on "Gift," it's a love song. 
Hit me with some comments too. 

Hermanos Dedos front
Hermanos Dedos back


  1. weird "music", vision

  2. That's some raw creativity. Kinda inspiring.
