Thursday, February 12, 2009

Hip-Hop and Comic Books... the connection?!?!

So I was thinking about this the other night... what is the connection between Hip-Hop culture and comics? The two are frequently crossing paths. You got QTIP spittin', " The Luke Cage of the loose leaf page."QTIP
luke cage Got DMC gettin' in on the action. 
MF Doom? MF Doom Nuff said.Dr. Doom
I know Common's gonna be in a superhero movie, soon enough, after his role in WANTED. Marc Ecko did a whole line of Marvel Comics inspired clothing. 
Comic book hats There was this one shirt with the Rhino on it that was dope! Couldn't find a picture of it anywhere! Damn! Anyways... what is it about the sequential art medium that resonates with Hip-Hop? Is it purely the aesthetics? Or is it the storytelling aspect... rappers as essentially storytellers and comics do the same but with artistic energy.?! Well, back in college this kid Andy (wuddup Andy if you readin' this) hipped me to a cat named Last Emperor.Last Emperor
Last Emperor did a couple of songs called "Secret Wars" and "Secret Wars 2." There all about which superheroes would battle which MCs. Amazing. Check it.

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