Monday, February 16, 2009

Message From Sickle: MIX CD's

GREY: I Received a mix cd from this dude named Sickle through my girlfriend and was hooked! He's not an uber dj, so lets not look at it like that- He finds rare songs and artist that make bad ass music and he gives it to us! you can thank him by download a baby Jesus mix.


Message From Sickle: -- my site where you can go and download mix cd's i have made...hopefully you can find some new artists

just wanted to let people know that i started a site to post my mix cd's to. some of you know about my mix cd's and have received them in the mail in the past....this process was time consuming and sometimes costly. i may still put a limited amount in the mail because i do enjoy the artistic side of that process. but for the most part i will be posting them on the site. i will keep people posted as i add more...i hope people come back to check on my progress. there are currently mixes up there from the last several years. should keep new comers busy for awhile, allow old friends to replace if lost, and allow people to tell their friends about this great site your friend has to download music from. thanks and let me know what you think with comments on the site. please. also let me know if you need any help with the site. or if you find problems.

1 comment:

  1. Yay! YEah, check this dude out! I have been recieving these mix cd's for a while now and will most DEFINITELY miss the decorated envelope and random greeting card that come with them in the mail every season, but I'm glad they're more accessible to all of you now. Check out the site and leave him some feedback!........because I said so, and you know I punch hard.
