Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Top Ten Tuesday!

Top 10 movies that make 812 cry (In no particular order)

1) Forrest Gump- Your heart really has to go out to Forrest. Homie gets makes fun of all his life. Has a jacked up mother, falls in life with a crackhead. But the whole time he does the right thing. You gotta give him respect. BTW never read the sequel…just don’t its WHACK.

2) Do The Right Thing- Bed Stuy do or die! Prolly tied for my fav movie of all time(the other being Apocalypse Now) . Most of the movie I bust my ass off lauging till the end. ..My homie Radio Raheem. ..so sad.. DJ Metrognome likes to call me Radio Raheem, I don’t know if I should take that as a compliment or an insult!

3)Higher Learning- Once again I laugh through most of the movie. How can you not, Busta Ryhmes and Ice Cube clown the whole time! Plus the rape scene is kinda funny (sorry ladies). But once again the end just gets to me. I knew from this movie what most people know now, Trya Banks is whack. However, there is a nude scene with her.

4) Lean on Me- Mr Clark someone is beating up Kid Ray! Now they call me batman! Get the chains off the doors! So many good lines come from this movie. I remember as a kid watching this and one of the scene were they show East Side high had gone down the tubes and Welcome to the Jungle was playing in the background and the teachers skulls got rammed into the floor…shit scared me for life. I’m not going to lie I was terrified to go to HS because of this movie.

5) Little Man Tate- A lot of people don’t know about this movie. Basics of it is Jodie Foster has a 7 year old son who is a genius. And well let’s just say she is not the best “fit” for raising him. You gotta feel for her as a mother and little man Tate who is just trying to be a good. heartbreaking

6) The Wizard- Taking it back to ’89. This kid and his friends run away from abusive parents to go play at the Nintendo World Video game Championships. I have a strong feeling Brookinz was there playing also.

7) My Girl- Just flippin sad…nuff said

8) Imitation of Life- This honestly should be #1 Period.In fact just go get it NOW. There are two versions of the movie one from the 30’s and the 50’s. Just due to the time period it’s a ground breaking film. There is this girl who is light skinned and starts “passing” She disowns her black mother, truly tragic. I’m crying just thinking about it.

9) Boyz N the hood- So I don’t have any brothers or sisters. But I have a ton of cousins. I use to spend the weekends at their houses and do what kids do. Well one of my cousins who was a couple hers older than me, got this movie. From the jump I was so flippin scared . I don’t really know it at the time till we watch the movie, but my aunts house who we were watching the movie at was dating a drug dealer named Rabbit ( Really I can make this up) As we are watching the movie pieces start coming together and I realize I’m in a drug house! I could not sleep the whole night thinking a drive by was going to happen.

10) E.T- Do I really need to explain this??


  1. lol...I wasn't there at the Nintendo Championships...my mother thought video games were the devil...anywwho...i think movies in the 80's and early 90's were specifically made to teach the youth that the world is a fucked up place.

    honorable mention: Earnest Goes to Camp (the scene where he's crying and singing in the rain because he let everybody down...I was staying over a friends house and we were watching this...dude...I choked up so bad...if my friends would have noticed they would have died laughing.i had to G up quick...almost lost it.

  2. Yeah man I hate to sound all old and shit but, " they don't make them like they use to."

    Earnest goes to camp!!! Clownin! I remember that yeah that shit was so sad. Oh I almost forgot Shawshank Redemption! If I ever have to go to jail, even for 24 hours I'm killin a motherfucker and never leaving!

  3. Snoopy Come Home used to get me bawling every f'ing time! My Girl is up there, too. Good list. I cry easily and have actually cried while watching 4/10 of these movies.
