Saturday, February 14, 2009

Meet Windimoto...

What is Windimoto? In the most rudimentary sense of the word, it’s the unification of two cities, one Windy and one Motor. Scratch the surface though, and you’ll find that it’s the unification of a few more things – upbringings, musical tastes, and a drive to push dance music as far as it can go; from the Midwest to the US coasts and beyond. Detroit-born dance music producer Scorpeze and Chicago House DJ Sean Haley met one another in the fall of 2005 and quickly came to find that their similar tastes in music, when shared, could equal more than the sum of the two separate parts.

"​Sinis​ter Beaut​y"​ (the first​ relea​se on their own label​,​ Windi​moto Music​)​ is their first​ full-​length LP and the follo​w up to their debut​ relea​se EP, "The Trave​ls of Windi​moto"​(​2007)​

Today their brainchild is released into the world so do yourself a favor and check these fellas out.  I've been dancing/chilling/smiling to the advance copy of this album for a couple weeks now.

Windimoto Podcast

You can listen to the album in its entirety via podcast, purchase the album, download free mixes, or link up to the Windimoto YouTube page.

Here's a free download of their song, "Better Days for Us."

1 comment:

  1. this is crazy! never even knew...
