Tuesday, February 10, 2009

ol'school joint of the day / Jordy

HAHA!!! Yes Man, I asked J. Bookinz if he remembered this and he said, "yeah faintly" so I had to find and post it. This joint is crazy like only the early 90's can provide! Man this lil'dude was jamming...

Jordy - Dur Dur D'etre Bebe


Hey Liz I know you remember this (your just as weird as me) I know you can Translate that chorus for me now! what the Hell is this Baby getting of his chest??? I didn't even have rhymes that early in life!

Oh snap I just found the live performance! He kills it!


  1. Its hard to be a baby...Don't ask the FRENCH black guy on the blog for translation. Racist!

  2. I call BS, 812.

    This kid is just mumbling. But Brookinz should remix it for real.

  3. damn. i should. anybody with the acapella?...anybody?

    and damn grey you totally discriminated on le bigballer...wi wi....par le vou

  4. Haha no really! Pretty much what he is saying is oh la la la its hard very very hard to be the baby!

  5. this baby got milli vinili beat. in the live performance that little nigga didn't sing one note.that was funny as hell.

  6. Hey. I was just a kid man. I was fucked up. All the women. All the drugs. I had motherfucking Gonorrhea when I was five man. Now look at me!!!


    goodbye cruel world...

  7. haha funny. sorry baller, I didnt forget that i came over to your house for thanksgiving and know body was speaking English at the dinner table and I had know idea what was going on (lol) I had to mess with Ex Libris (Liz) cause she is suppose to know French since she like in a part of Africa where that's all they speak- and yo! she is black too!

  8. oh wow I had no idea anyone else remembered this

  9. Man... I was gonna post but then I came into a saga... I'll let y'all have this one. One.

  10. Ha... controversy on this post.

    Yes, I'm staying in Mauritius (French island by Madagascar) so I'm trying to get my French-Creole down.

    So some of the lyrics are like:

    Je m'appelle Jordy - My name is Jordy
    J'ai quatre ans et je suis petit - I am 4 yrs old and I am small
    Dur dur d'être bébé - Its hard being a baby

    Viens ici, touche pas ça - Come here, don't touch that
    Reste assis, va pas là - Stay here, don't go there
    Fais comme ci, fais comme ça - Do this, Do that
    Patati et patata - ????
    Pourquoi ci pourquoi ça - Because this, Because that

    Oh là là bébé, c'est dur dur d'être bébé - Oh wow baby, Its hard being a baby.

    PS: Quentin loved this! He's fluent now and when I showed it to him, he said "whoa, back in the day I never knew it was French-- I thought it was just a baby talk song, and now I understand everything he's saying"

  11. I totally remember this song! Haha. More hopping kids in the video. THat 4yr old love is too cute!
    Grey, you need to jack moves from his live performance.
